Tuesday, 9 April 2013

April 9th

First thing I noticed when I logged on to make todays post was that there were 12 pageviews.  I can only account for 4 of those, and the other 8 must be due to the ability to randomly flip through blogs.  If you were or are one of those people, I am sorry.  This must be rather dull.  But it still works for me in its purpose of completing an assignment.  But I can't go on for 2 whole days meta-writing about this site.  I must find some actual content.  So I'm going to talk about something.  And I don't yet know what.

Politics?  Not really much happening.  Oh wait.  North Korea is happening.  I recently came across a post online that was really interesting.   It's obviously not true.  And it's likely just trying to waste your time.  But I found it interestingly plausible. I mean, what's to say this isn't the back story? It really makes far too much sense.  I applaud the person who thought of that, let alone translated it into the noble form of >greentext.

An aside about greentext:  This is a tradition and cultural part of the legendary website 4chan.  Have you ever heard of the hacktivist group Anonymous? They were founded in this website, and are still closely linked with it.  Heard of the idea/phenomenon of memes?  They also originated here, and have since pervaded the rest of the web.  Most of the original content on the web has or still does originate here.  It's a very impressive feat, for a site run by one man on a shoestring budget.

On the flip side, 4chan is also one of the most disgusting, harsh, and cruel places on the internet. I won't go into details, but I will say that I don't recommend going there.  But this has been quite a long aside.  Back on topic, it's quite a compelling story.  I mean, you could write a book about this!  Maybe I will.

To be continued?

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